Egg Drumstick Curry

oday's recipe is egg drumstick curry made by my sis on one of the Sunday. Simple, easy to prepare and yummy to eat. Here goes the recipe:


Egg - 5 number
Drumstick - 1
Sword Bean. Sem ki phalli - few (optional)
Onion - 2 big
Tomato - 1 big
Green Chilli - 5-6
Redchilli powder - 2tps
Turmeric - 1/2 tps
Coriander powder - 1tps
Curry leaves - few
Mustard Seeds - 1/2 tps
Ginger-garlic paste - 2tps
Oil - 3tbs
Salt - to taste
Water - 1 cup and to boil


1. Boil egg and remove the shell.
2. Cut drumstick in medium size and boil.
3. Cut sword beans in medium size, chopped onion, tomato, green chilli and keep aside.
4. In a pan heat oil and shallow fry the egg until golden brown, keep them aside.
5. In the same pan add mustard seeds and let it splutters.
6. Add onion, ginger-garlic paste, green chilli, curry leaves mix everything and saute the onion.
7. Add the sword beans, drumstick, chopped tomato and cook for 1-2mins.
8. Now add all the powder masala, mix well and cook until sword beans becomes tender.
9. Add the egg and cook for 2mins.
10. Add salt and water. Bring it to boil and cook for another 4-5mins.

Egg Drumstick curry is ready to server with rice


  1. Thank you so much for the award and also for sending the recipe for the event.
    I was thinking about you yesterday. When I was coming back home I saw a big poster having the same Ganesh-Murali sketch as you had for your GaneshChaturthi event.

  2. Never tried egg with drum sticks. This sounds good. I will try sometime .

  3. different combo..I usually dont use eggs in my curry,,so I dont know much about this..but sure looks good!!

  4. hi dear, what an innovative combo and of course a nutrition blast!

    congrats on the award.

  5. Though I am veggie I am drooling over ur curry.

  6. curry looks yum,..:-)still to try eggs with drumsticks...

  7. Thanks a lot Priti u have really made me feel good.... thanks a lot for the award... and yes egg with drumstick heard first time..but sounds good... will try once all the festives are done... :)

  8. new combo for me. definitely sounds delicious :)

  9. Drumstick & Egg are nice combo, love the gravy with roti

  10. Egg and drumsticks is surely new to me... very different one. thanks.

  11. egg with drumstick????might taste good....haa

  12. looks like good combo..drumsticks and eggs....must try
    thanks for sharing

  13. Hey Priti .. Thanks so much for thinkin of me N passing the award to me .. drumstick N egg .. different combo .. will try without eggs :)

  14. Congratulations on the awards! Also, thanks for visiting my blog :) The curry looks and sounds very yummy!

  15. Egg Drumstick curry looks really unique dish dear....looks really tempting..
    Congrats on wellreceiving this award Good Job gal!!
    Thanks for sharing it with me

  16. thats a unique combination! Looks yum.. Thanks for stopping by my blog..waiting for your tomato thokku post :)

  17. unique and gud combo egg with drumstick...sounds interesting...

  18. eggs and drumstick..imagining the flavor! I had tried eggs in tomato sauce when I was in its been ages since I ate anything made of eggs. A strict no in the kitchen now ..

  19. thanx for visiting my blog:)
    Congrats on your awards!Keep in touch!

  20. Very nice recipe Priti, look goooood!!!

    BTW something waiting for u @ my blog, check it out :))

  21. hi priti
    this is my first time here...u have a lovely blog...
    jus popped in to say a hi!
    lovely egg curry too!

  22. I heard this combo before but never tried. This version looks gr8. Will try out soon.

  23. Nice combination,i usually make drumsticks with mutton or make kadi with it.,with eggs it looks superb

  24. Thanks for thinking abt me Sudeshna..:)

    Let me know how it turnup Valarmathi :)

    You can make only with drumstick Sowmya dear ;)

    Yup Deshana & thanks...:)

    heheh Thanks so glad :)

    Let me know when you try Priyanka

    I'm more than happy Sheetal..:)

    Thanks Shillu :)

    It guess it's taste better with rice then roti Cham..but perhaps we can try ;)

    Thanks Prema :)

    Yes did tasted gud :)

    Will wait for your try Bhawna :)

    Sure try without eggs VP :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog Meeso :)

    Thanks Purva :)

    As I mention Sujatha dear..I didn't click the pic of thokku..will do it next time.

    Thanks Suma :)

    Hmm I know dear you are veggie now but you can try without egg ;)

    Raks thanks for visiting my blog dear:)

    Madhavi am so happy to see to you back gal...take care and stay healthy ! :)

    Thanks KF, hope things fine with U.

    Anjum thanks :)

  25. Hmmm.... eggs with drumstick curry ... must be divine ;) can feel the taste and flavour!

  26. Egg & drumstick... never had that combination before but I love them both so this is sure to be yummy.

  27. sure try that out and tell me how it tasted.....words are greatly appreciated:)

  28. Congrats on ur award. That is a nice recipe ...have never tried the combination of egg and drumstick..will try it now:)

  29. Now this is the curry I want to eat! I love drumsticks.


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