How to Make Roasted Cumin Powder | Homemade Jeera Powder

how to make cumin jeera powder

Roasted Cumin Powder recipe? Seriously?  You must be thinking isn't it.  I wanted to post cumin powder recipe for years now but it just wasn't happening.  To post how to make cumin powder at home was stuck me multiple times but I really wanted to do it was during talking with one of my friend.  She was having this huge bottle of store brought cumin powder and she asked me I can want some since the bottle is huge she can't finish it soon, I told her why would I need this I make my own cumin powder when I need and she was like what we can make cumin powder at home?

how to make cumin jeera powder

At my sister place my bro-in-law purchased lot of spice powder all in this huge bottle from very popular brand as my friend purchased and when I was cooking once at their place and open the cumin powder bottle, the power had small insects in the brand new bottle can you believe that?  I had to throw the bottle away!

how to make cumin jeera powder

So this post is dedicated to those people whom still doesn't know how to make cumin powder, it's way too simple, easy and hardly take any time.  You can do even 1 tbsp of cumin powder or any quantity of your choice, I normally do in small batch so I can always have fresh cumin powder as nothing beats fresh roasted cumin powder it's just too fragrant and I love that smell.  And I always roast cumin before I powder it, if you purchase you cumin powder it's not always roasted that's why the color of powder is not dark brown.    So do not wait any longer go ahead and make your own batch of cumin/jeera powder and use in your recipes.

how to make cumin jeera powder

Ingredients for Homemade Roasted Cumin (Jeera) Powder

[Shelf Life 2 Months, Yields - 1/4 Cup Powder, Total Time - 10 minutes]

Cumin Seeds/Jeera/Jeerakam - 1/4 Cup [or as needed]

how to make cumin jeera powder


1. Heat a pan or wok and add cumin seeds, roast in medium flame until light dark brown and fragrant.
~ One cumin seeds start to be fragrant you have to keep a close eye and keep stirring otherwise cumin seeds will be burnt quickly.  If you over roast them it will be very dark brown color and bitter in taste.
how to make cumin jeera powder

2. Allowed roasted cumin to cool and grind in a spice blender or mixer until fine powder or keep it little coarse the way you like.  Allow to cool powder again and store in air tight container.
how to make cumin jeera powder

Our cumin powder is ready use as required.

how to make cumin jeera powder

Other Homemade Masala & Powders

Have a nice day ~~


  1. simple but useful post..2&4 th cliks r nice..

  2. nice post.. I always buy it.. Will try to make next time

  3. home made always have a nice aroma. Very useful post and a good eyeopener to everyone who blindly use the storebought popular ones without seeing it properly

  4. nice post priti...I too prefer home made one:)

  5. Very useful post.. lovely pics too !!

  6. very useful post...I always prefer home made jeera powder..

  7. informative post and thanks for sharing.

  8. informative post and thanks for sharing.

  9. This should be handy for raitas and other cooking, sure a must in kitchen

  10. I cannot survive without this jeera powder,isn't it heavenly??love the clicks.


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